People assume that as we get older, we also get wiser. That we do as Paul instructs and “throw off childish things,” things that hinder us, things that restrict and bind, the things that hold us back. Sadly though, it seems that each year I find a number of things to keep me from breaking from the chains that keep me from living with freedom.
As I grow older the mistakes of the past are more daunting, the questions I have about the future are more apparent, and more and more the decisions I make weigh upon others…
So here is to being 22 and living a life both glorifying to God and satisfying to my soul.
Hello to 2012 and to…
Traveling to Ireland
Graduating from Messiah College
Taking time for myself
Deciding on a grad school
Finding an apartment of my own
Writing because I find it life giving
Taking classes I am passionate about
Going on a road trip to Alaska
Saving my money
Working hard at my job
Blogging more
Encouraging others
Being the friend I want to have
Letting my inner creative being out
Doing the things I love, because I love them
Spending a week at the beach with my closest friends
Saying “no” when my heart is not in it
Accepting the invitation to go on that date…
More to come in 2012